Niagara Park Public School

Learning for life

Telephone02 4328 3397


Our School Uniform

A school uniform promotes a sense of inclusion and belonging amongst our learners.

Our NPPS P&C Committee proudly run our uniform shop.

Niagara Park Public School uniform consists of a maroon, navy and white school branded polo shirt with navy bottoms for boys and girls. During colder weather students can wear a school branded fleece or windproof jacket and navy bottoms. White socks and black shoes are part of the uniform requirements. There is also a compulsory school branded wide brimmed hat.

Parents and carers can purchase our school uniform from our onsite uniform shop or through a Flexischools uniform order.

Registering for online ordering is quick and easy. Visit the Flexischools website, enter your email address, and follow the provided link to complete the registration form. Once registered, you can top up your account and place orders from any computer or mobile device.

The uniform shop is open from 8:30am to 9:00am every Thursday during school terms.

A dedicated team of parent volunteers, entirely runs our uniform shop. We do not keep cash onsite - EFTPOS payments only

Parents are welcome to pop in and say hello, have a browse of the new and second hand uniforms in stock, purchase uniforms or check sizes before ordering.

Orders made online if not collected, will be packaged up and sent to your child’s classroom.

Please be sure to label each of your child’s items with their first name and surname.  This will ensure that when (not if!) it gets left in the playground it can find its way back to your child’s classroom.

We can be found at the end of the staff carpark, next to the library.