Niagara Park Public School

Learning for life

Telephone02 4328 3397


Canteen at our School

All canteens in NSW public schools must provide healthy food and drink options, this makes it easy for students to make healthy food choices. Our school Canteen has received a Central Coast Healthy School Canteen Award each year for the last 15 years.

Our Canteen operates from 8:30am until 1:45pm Tuesday to Friday.

Students can purchase food and drinks at recess and lunch time using cash.

Did you know using the canteen can also be a learning tool?

Students can practice purchasing items and learn the value of money. This can help students gain a sense of independence and confidence.

We offer three different options for placing a lunch order, these are.

1.      In person at the counter using either cash or EFTPOS

2.      Students can bring in a paper lunch bag with the following details

°   Student's name

°   Class (not year)

°   Details of the order

°   Price against each item

°   Total of the order (the correct money would be appreciated)

If using a bag to place an order we also encourage older students to write out their own order by using the canteen menu, add up their order and enclose the required money etc.

3.      Placing an order through our Flexischools online ordering system

To register for Flexischools visit the Flexischools website, enter your email address, and follow the provided link to complete the registration form. Once registered, you can top up your account and place orders from any computer or mobile device.

Canteen Menu